Stalking is obsessive, repeated, frightening, or threatening behavior directed towards a person that makes a person concerned or afraid for his or her safety.
Stalking is a serious and dangerous situation. The threat a stalker poses can escalate over time and often involves physical violence. Stalking commonly goes under reported because stalking activities can appear to be normal and harmless. It is necessary to look at the context in which a stalker is behaving and to trust one's instinct when a person's activities, perhaps harmless out of context, cross the border into obsessive, threatening, or harmful actions. It is important to recognize that stalking poses a serious physical threat to victims.
Legal definition of stalking in Texas
Am I being stalked?
The following is a list of common stalking behavior. If any of these apply to you, it is important to take measures to protect yourself. Please contact the Baylor Police Department (254) 710-2222 if you believe you are being stalked and need assistance.
If you are in immediate danger, call the Baylor University Police Department (254) 710-2222.
- Following the person or repeatedly showing up unexpectedly at the person's class, work, favorite coffee shop, etc.
- Sending unwanted gifts, letters, cards, or e-mails
- Repeatedly calling, including "hang ups"
- Monitoring victim's activity, such as phone calls, computer use, or schedule
- Using technology to track victim, such as hidden cameras, computer viruses, or GPS devices
- Driving by places the victim spends time
- Causing damage to the victim's home, car, or other property
- Making threats to the victim, the victim's family, friends, pets, or colleagues, or to own self
- Searching for information about the victim with the aid of public records, internet search devices, hired investigators, or contacting friends, family, classmates, or co-workers
- Sifting through the victim's trash or other items the victim has had contact with
- Engaging in actions meant to control, track, or frighten the victim
Even if a situation does not meet the legal definition for stalking, which would allow the police to take criminal action, it is still possible that the University may be able to take action if the alleged perpetrator is a Baylor student.
For more information, contact:
Baylor Police Department (254) 710-2222
Baylor Judicial Affairs Office (254) 710-1715
Baylor University Counseling Center (254) 710-2467
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