What is an Abusive Relationship
People in relationships can be abused in several ways. Emotional, physical, and verbal abuse are considered the most common forms of relationship abuse.
Emotionally abusive: Any action or inaction used to control or hurt another person.
Examples include:
- Controlling access to money
- Intense jealousy
- Criticizing a partner's looks
- Unwanted sexual demands
- Isolating another from family and friends
- Making fun of partner
- Keeping partner up all night
- Manipulating with lies
- Threatening separation
- Having affairs
- Constant questioning about activities
- Using alcohol or drugs
- Accusations of affairs
- Keeping partner from working or from school
Physically abusive: Any use of size, strength, or presence to hurt or control someone else
Examples include:
- Pushing
- Shoving
- Biting
- Grabbing
- Pinching
- Kicking
- Pulling
- Kneeing
- Burning
- Stabbing
- Slapping
- Spitting
- Choking
- Shooting
- Spanking
- Restraining
- Forcibly carrying
- Backhanding
- Pinning against a wall
- Pushing out of car
- Punching with a fist
- Abuse of children
- Trying to hit with car
- Forced sex
- Throwing things
- Abuse of animals
- Driving recklessly
- Twisting arms
- Tearing clothes
- Standing or sitting on partner
- Punching walls or doors
- Pulling hair
- Slamming drawers
- Attacking with an object
- Breaking things
- Chasing
- Unplugging phone
- Stalking
- Standing behind car to prevent driving away
- Taking car keys, credit cards, money, or checkbook
- Taking children
- Trapping
- Clenching fists as a threat
- Standing in a doorway to prevent exit
- Any other unwanted physical attack
Verbally abusive: Any use of words used to control or hurt another person
Examples include:
- Accusations of cheating
- Calling names
- Leaving nasty messages
- Making insinuations
- Using the silent treatment
- Sneering
- Yelling
- Insults
- Being sarcastic
- Growling
- Making critical statements like "you're dumb," "you're stupid," "you're ugly," or "you can't do anything right"
- Threats to kill, use violence, or harm
- Threats to children
These behaviors signal that something is wrong in a relationship!